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Old 11-30-2005, 11:58 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: what is the best buy-in to gain MTT experience

Thanks both for the comments. I do have HOH I and II and I'm re-reading them at the moment. I can understand M as it relates to a STT because the whole range of stacks are sat at your table. My problem (maybe I just don't get it yet and will be re-reading it anyway) is that in an MTT there will be a huge range of stacks, lets say from 15,000 down to 1,000. Even at 3000 chips I may not be in dangerous M terrirtory however if there are a couple of large stacks at my table they will be bullying me and ensuring that any pot I get into will be a large proportion of my stack.

I'm not explaing myself very well but my two good finishes in MTT's have been where I've got off to a flying start and used my chips to intimidate and bust out others, meaning I've had a constantly growing chip stack. All the rest of my games I've got away to slow starts (trying to play premium hands only in the early stages) and I've ended up getting into positions where other large stacks can mean I can only play premium hands back at them and if they don't come then I'm in trouble.

I've decided, perhaps wrongly, I'd rather go out 300th of 400 players trying to build my stack than hang on and go out 100th of 400 having folded the last 40 hands trying to find something to pin my last 1000 chips on.
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