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Old 11-30-2005, 02:17 AM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default Re: Do you rat out your 16 year old nephew if you think he\'s toking?


my personal opinion is that smoking pot is a terrible thing for a 16 year old to be doing (he already does badly in school).

Should I tell my sister? and if so how.

[/ QUOTE ]

i didn't read all the responses, but i do have a couple thoughts- apologies if they're redundant:

A: It's none of yer damn business.
B: it IS bad for a 16 year old to be getting high- on anything. 18, whatever, but 16... i wish i hadn't done so many drugs at that age.
C: What are you a rat!? no telling his mom. NARC! NARC! (also, that'd be a great way to sour your relationship with the kid forever. don't burn bridges)

and, most importantly...

D: Talk to him. If you care about this kid, then man-up and deal with yourself. have a heart-to-heart, tell some stories, give him some information, make sure he's not being unsafe, etc...

that's your play. any other route is WEAK SAUCE.
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