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Old 11-30-2005, 02:15 AM
jgorham jgorham is offline
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Default Re: Do you rat out your 16 year old nephew if you think he\'s toking?

It really depends on how mature of a 16 yr old he is. I was smoking pot at 13, and it actually did me a lot of good. But I think that is a fairly rare occurance. But a lot of 16 yr olds are truly old enough to handle it. If you think he falls into this camp, then I think you should bring it up with him, and threaten to tell his mom if it gets out of hand - starts skipping classes or something. Just save the pic's as evidence.

Going to his mom directly would probably damage your relationship pretty severely, and I think that is a consideration as well (unless there are multiple relatives who could have ratted him out).

If you really think it is doing him harm, then go to his mother. But only then.
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