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Old 11-30-2005, 12:03 AM
tylerdurden tylerdurden is offline
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Default Re: Would you follow this law?

If I think a law is stupid I should not obey it? Who defines "stupid"? Are speed limit laws stupid? How about prostitution laws?

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Speed limit laws in theory are stupid. Road owners should be able to set whatever restrictions on their roads that they want. Since governments own most roads in practice, speed limit laws aren't really "dumb". Government ownership of roads, on the other hand, is dumb.

Prostitution laws are obviously just a case of some people wanting to tell other people what (not) to do.

What if I thought I should be able to serve whomever I please in my place of business and should be able to refuse service to people based on their race, ethnicity, or religious views? What if I thought laws telling me otherwise were "stupid"?

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I think they are. Why should anyone be able to compell you to associate with anyone that you don't want to associate with?

Should there be laws requiring buyers to not discriminate against sellers? Hey, that purple guy on the corner wants to sell me some hot dogs, but I don't really feel like buying any right now. Unfortunately, an anti-discrimination law prevents me from refusing to do business with purple people. Why are buyers and sellers treated differently?

Should there be laws requiring you to be friends with anyone that wants to be your friend?

When "stupid" becomes the standard for civil disobedience, anarchy is the result.

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Wrong. When everyone does whatever they want without regard to anyone else, *chaos* is the result.

Anarchy is the result of people respecting freedom and enforcing natural rights.
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