Thread: squash
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Old 11-29-2005, 09:53 PM
evil_twin evil_twin is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Posts: 52
Default Re: squash

I admit I never wore goggles while playing, it's only the novices who look round to see what you're doing and get the ball in the eye problem. I also wasn't too worried about getting hit with the ball in the back or whatever, although if someone did it to me with any kind of regularity I'd get massively pissed off with them, it just shows lack of care.

Perhaps I played with people who could hit hard, I got hit in the back of the leg once and couldn't walk for days, and many times couldn't lie on my back from huge bruises.

People shouldn't let it put them off that's for sure, just be aware of the possible problems and don't do anything stupid.

Sadly I can't play anymore, great game, I miss it.
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