Thread: Panspermia
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Old 11-29-2005, 06:10 PM
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Default Re: Panspermia

The book by Coppedge was my starting point, but after pursing the idea for awhile I came across panspermia and realized atheists have an out even if evolution on earth were shown to be statistically impossible. So I quit pursuing the probability question.

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So, the entire reason you studied this was to argue for God's existence? Do you see why this is futile? You should study these things so that you can understand what other smart people have learned about our universe. Not to prove that you aren't insane for believing in God. Or, to prove others are insane for not believing in God. Your agenda clouds your rationality.

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Well, that or he wants to spread his beliefs, and honestly, I don't see any problem with that. I mean, I study Christianity with the intent of debunking it, and I doubt I'm the only one.

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Your agenda clouds your rationality. That was the point. He was studying probability of abiogensis to somehow show that it's too improbable for God not to exist. That's just a bit different that studying Christianity to see if IT is credible.
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