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Old 11-29-2005, 04:21 PM
kbfc kbfc is offline
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Default Re: Nominations for Best \"Rock\" Album of 2005

This year was pretty disappointing for new music, especially compared to last year. Anyway the best album of 2005 is:

Spoon - Gimme Fiction

Honorable mention to:

Doves - Some Cities, and
Giant Drag - Hearts and Unicorns.

Anyway, I often tend to classify albums in my mind not by when they came out, but by when I heard them. In that case the following albums are all ones that I got into this year, but were released earlier (all of these records are far better than anything listed above, or anything in this entire thread):

Autolux - Future Perfect
Blonde Redhead - Misery is a Butterfly
Stereolab - Dots and Loops
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