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Old 11-29-2005, 11:34 AM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Morals Should Be INDEPENDENT from Laws That Are Passed

If each person is allowed to decide for themselves which laws are "unjust" and thus not to be followed, how is that not relativistic for the masses?
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My morals are INDEPENDENT of what laws others pass.
Therefore my morals are solid. If a person bases their morals based upon the laws that others pass then it is THEY and NOT ME who are being morally relativistic. If someone passes a law which conflicts with my moral code, should I then be obligated to violate my own moral code? I do not think so. To believe otherwise then I would have to read the paper everyday so I would know what my morals are for the day based on what laws are passed and overturned. Consider this, the USA was founded by men who broke the laws of Great Britain. Were these men immoral? I think not.

Anyway, moral relativism is a method that excuses immorality from other cultures. E.g. In most cultures murder is considered immoral but many of the left believe the Palestinians are justified to murder unarmed people because the Palestinians are 'oppressed'. E.g. Pedophilia is consider to be immoral by most but in some cultures pedophilia is considered to be OK.

A person's principles and morals should be like the rock of Gibralter. They should not change because a bill becomes law one day then is overturned the next. Nor do I excuse the immorality of others just because they are from a different culture.
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