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Old 11-29-2005, 11:20 AM
PokerForMath PokerForMath is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 44
Default 25/50NL Misery, Running Sooooooo Bad: Six Losers All In

First of all I don't believe in bad luck, but I do believe in running bad. I do believe the cards break even over the long haul, but I just wanted to know what you 2+2ers have experienced in terms of your worst runs in poker.

The other night I played a long session on UB's 25/50NL game. It was short handed and I was playing very aggressively. I got my money all in seven times. I was the aggressor six of the seven times and lost all of them, though was never a dog. The seventh time I made a bad call and sucked out on them. The rest of the night I was even to slightly down on overall play, but ended up stuck 10K. Here are the hands:

Hands I lost while all in

1. JJ loses all in to AT pre-flop (30%) [I was aggressor]
2. My QQ loses all in to AK pre-flop(47%) [I was aggressor]
3. I have JJ and move in on a JQA board and gets called by AQ and loses when river is Q (16%) [I was aggressor]
4. I get it all in with JJ vs 99 (pre-flop) and lose (19%) [I was aggressor]
5. I get it all in with 99 vs 8c4c (pre-flop) and lose (16%) [I was aggressor]
6. I move in with KdTd and 55 calls me (pre-flop) and lose (50%) [I was aggressor]

Probability of all these things happening .036% (1 in 2770)

Hands I won while all in

1. I get it all in with pre-flop 99 and beat KK (20%) [I called]

Probability 20%

I kept a running log of this b/c the day before I had lost 2x with KK versus AK pre-flop all in and I thought I better keep track so as to not fool myself. Now, note, these are not all bad beats (though some certainly are), but the point is only 1 in 7 hands broke my way. I had three hands where I was a monster favorite, lost both, and two hands where I was a coin flip and lost them both. Then, shockingly, when I was a big do, I won!

So, friends, what do you do when you run this bad? How do you handle it? Am I alone or have others out there gotten way stuck feeling they just had a string of bad luck.
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