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Old 11-29-2005, 05:58 AM
tigerite tigerite is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 360
Default Re: i run bad (with a difference)

horrible things i've done recently:

- bubble, i'm a medium stack as button=88. utg is another medium stack and went all-in. he has me out chipped by 100. short stack sb has 2bb left after posting. bb is big stack. notes say utg is a horrible player and will push with any pair, ax, KXs and any 2 face cards. i call. he has a6o and spikes his ace. WTF am i doing calling when sb has 2bb left?! (sngpt says it was -EV to call.)

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Yes this is a pretty bad call, but maybe not terrible, as you could push the table around on the bubble afterwards; depends if you think you can make that -EV back or not. I'd probably let this go though, and I'm a pretty damn good pushbot.


- 5 handed, blinds 100/200. i'm the #2 stack with 3k chips. folded to me as button w/A3o. bigstack is sb w/3.5k, bb is a solid player w/2k chips. i raise 2.5bb. sb folds, bb goes all in. i call. he had kq and doesnt improve. i got lucky, but i think calling was horrible on my part, given the read.

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Horrible stack sizes, I'd have probably folded pf and hoped the sb and bb got into some battle. After your raise though a call is probably okay.


- 6 handed, i have 2k chips at 50/100 blinds. i raise 2.5bb with jqs. bb, who has 2.5k chips, calls. flop is A,4,8 w/2 of my suit. he checks, i continuation bet 1/2pot, he check raises allin. why in the hell did i call on a flush draw?

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No idea. Where did you raise from? I wouldn't cont bet here by the way, not with the A on the board, and a freebie look at the turn. Why cont bet - you don't have to every flop, y'know. You raised QJs for deception, as well as the steal, right? So why spoil it by raising when you get a really good flop and a free look at the next card, I don't understand.


- 5 handed, blinds 75/150. i'm #2 stack with 3k as BB=ako. big stack has 4k, is a horrible player and is sb. folded to him, and he pushes. even though he's horrible, why in the hell did I call 20bb? i'm risking my tourny life on probably either a 60/40 my favor or the wrong side of a coin flip?! (he had 78s and gets s flush)

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That's not too terrible, but I'd probably marginally fold, as I can definitely get him later on if he's as bad as that.
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