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Old 11-29-2005, 04:36 AM
NSchandler NSchandler is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 70
Default When is enough enough?

This is not a bad beats story in disguise or anything like that. I'm simply wanting some advice.

I'm on a long, deep slide and I am really starting to question my game. Over my last 23K hands or so, I'm down about 320 BB, and this is at full ring. Now, if it's only a slide, then I can deal with that. Frustrating yes, but it's not like I'm gambling with rent money or anything. But after such a slide, my win rate has fallen to a paltry 0.66BB/100 over 55K hands, and I'm basically questioning whether I'm a winning player any more.

It's obvious that it's not all just luck, as 320BB is simply too big of a slide over 23K hands for a player who's beating the game for a reasonable amount. I'm a [censored] player, I realize that. But I am playing at 2/4, and I believe I am competent enough to be beating that level, since nearly everybody at 2/4 is crap.

So, here is my question: is it just obvious that I'm not a winning player, and I was simply on a 32K hand upswing prior to the downturn, can this be luck, or has my game just fallen off the deep end?

If anybody could look at my numbers and tell me what stands out, it would be much appreciated. I realize that I would need to post specific hands to see many of my mistakes, but I'm sure that there are things that are going to jump out that I'm clearly doing wrong consistently.

I know my VPIP is too low, and I've been working on that. A small part of that low VPIP comes from my not getting as good of starting hands as I should, but most of it is my own poor pre-flop play. However, over the past 5K hands or so, it's been a bit higher, about 16%, and the slide has continued.

I feel like my numbers show that I don't go to showdown enough, but at the same I feel like I have been calling too many turn check-raises and such. Eh I don't know.

Anyway, thanks for putting up with my desultory post, and please tell me what a [censored] player I am, it's the only way I can learn.

Ok, I can't post a screenshot since I don't have a website to host the picture. However, here are my biggest numbers

$2/$4, total hands 23,671
VPIP: 14.09 (much too low I know)
Vol. Put $ in from SB: 23.01
Folded SB to steal: 86.60
Folded BB to steal: 80.65 (not defending my blinds enough)
Att. to Steal Blinds: 27.66 (should be low 30s?)
Won $ WSF %: 32.23
Amount won: ($1,216.32)
BB/100 Hands: (1.28)
Went to SD %: 26.69
Won $ at SD %:56.00
PF Raise %:7.67

Flop 3.12
Turn 2.98
River 1.47 (yuck, value bet you loser)
Total: 2.64

Any other numbers I should be looking at for glaring holes? Again, thanks for any input.
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