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Old 11-29-2005, 02:20 AM
Big Limpin' Big Limpin' is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 298
Default Re: Why aren\'t you better?

WHy am i not better?

I think the neurons in my brain have grown in a specific orientation based on my expieriences in poker over several years. I'm probably 90% perfect. But those neural pathways are used over and over again, getting solidified every time. For me to improve requires only small adjustments (nothing groundbreaking left to learn), so its difficult for the brain to use the shoulder of the 4 lane highway thats its constructed. I can "learn" some improvement, and at the time i "get it", but when in a game, and that situation arises, the default play (the one i've been making for years) seems "right" again, my brain goes " you play this hand this way, always have, and you win $, so just to that". Or something. Upon rereading, this post doesnt convey exactly what i meant, but i'm not sure i can descibe better.
Old tricks.
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