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Old 11-28-2005, 09:21 PM
gonores gonores is offline
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Default Michael Irvin vs Rush Limbaugh

*I posted this once under a crappy title and I wasn't able to change the title in didn't get many views. I'm reposting it hoping to generate a little discussion.

Mods - I apologize if this should go back to the earlier Michael Irvin thread. Also, if it belongs in politics, feel free to move it.

Irvin will not miss work

I'm not going to get all crazy about this, seeing as though Playmaker is only facing drug charges.

But.....come on. This is a grim example of how the worst thing someone can do in this country is to hurt someone else's feelings.

2003 - Rush Limbaugh makes a non-PC comment (I refuse to call it a "racist" comment, though I am sure some will call it as such) about black quarterbacks in the media. I seem to remember that he was given the option to either resign or be fired (Though I can't find a story where it is said Limbaugh would be fired if he didnt resign) and he was out the door before the end of the week. Regardless, there was no chance of Limbaugh making it ESPN airwaves ever again, let along the next week.

2005 - Multiple-time drug offender is slam-dunk charged with possession of paraphernalia. ESPN bats zero eyes at the situation.

It was said over and over again in the Limbaugh situation. "ESPN knew what they were getting into when they hired Rush." "Rush's actions should come as no surprise to ESPN." Well, what about Michael Irvin? Shouldn't've ESPN seen this coming? Irvin was considered a risk for ESPN when he was hired. Shouldn't Playmaker be on a short leash when it comes to crap like drug charges? If Tom Jackson was pulled over with drug paraphernalia, I wouldn't make an issue of it, but Michael Irvin has earned the skeptical, watchful eye that should be over him.

I'm not calling for Irvin's head, but I think the prudent thing to do would be to tell Michael to take the week off, and barring changes in major details in the story, tell him to stay home for the rest of the season and let this whole thing blow over.
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