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Old 11-28-2005, 06:48 PM
Paul Thomson Paul Thomson is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 34
Default Re: Another hand from the Orleans

Posts like these are what making trolling 2+2 for hours everyday worthwhile.

I’m not sure if your line is going to work, but I do believe there is a good chance. I read something lately about bluffs that I liked, “A bluff should be misleading but not confusing”. And from the Villian’s perspective, he can construct a story where some guy kept calling with a flush draw that miraculously hit on the river. So I like the bluff on the end.

But what I found most rewarding was your train of thought on the turn. You put your opponent on a range of hands (albeit small one). And then looked at how many cards would allow you to bluff him out of the pot and then based your decision on that. What I found original about that approach is that you anticipated a scare card coming. I, on the other hand, will make a bluff when a scare card falls but I’m never taking into consideration in advance that a scare card should be counted as an out.

Thanks for the insight.
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