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Old 11-28-2005, 03:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: poker in the library??

In response to the OP, yes, it probably is a bad idea (and if you're talking about a highschool library, then make that a definite YES). I'm a college librarian and gambling on school property is technically something that can get you kicked out of school. There's also some risk that your financial info or account data can be picked off.

Adressing the larger issue which may or may not apply to the OP, there is also the issue of whether or not poker is going to hurt your future.

I was fortunate that the online poker craze caught me AFTER I'd finished my first Master's degree (which I used to get my current full time job). Poker is at least partially responsible for me failing to finish my second masters degree and PhD (I would have dropped out anyway most likely, but poker hurried the process). Poker closed doors for me that I would have preferred to keep open.

It's great if someone can make a living playing poker but it 's hard (was it Brunson who said it was a hard way to make an easy living?). Figuring out taxes is a pain in the butt, you don't get health insurance, retirement, or paid vacations and what do you do when you absolutely need to win to pay rent or your mortgage and you don't?

The difficulty making a steady living is the reason even the established pros look for other sources of income from book sales, endorsement deals, TV contracts, or already made a crap load of money doing something else.

My suggestion would be that while you're still in school to treat poker as a lucrative hobby or a part time job and finish whatever degree you're working on. Once you get that magic little piece of paper that says you're a graduate give going pro an honest shot if you want to but be ready to find a day job if it doesn't work out. Poker isn't going anywhere.

On a somewhat related manner, finding time for a social life may not be all that easy either if you're glued to a computer screen 8-12 hrs a day or more.
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