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Old 11-28-2005, 02:51 PM
Jeebus Jeebus is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 143
Default Re: I think I\'m f-ed, any good lines?

In relation to the constant question of why I care that she has friends, I don't. She can have as many friends as she wants and all that jazz. But this girl is not necessarily a friend, she is using my girlfriend to give herself constant attention. She has basically moved herself into her house and attached herself. My girlfriend has complained about it but then forgives and blah blah. When I am around this girl usurps anything we have going on between my girlfriend and myself so that it is about her and my g/f gives her attention. Same thing happens when talking on the phone, going out, etc etc. Most notable thing, one night got hammered and ended up staying at G/f's house. Other bitch has to stay in the same bed as well since there are people passed out everywhere else. I get woken up in the middle of the night when o/b crawls over me and pushes me to the other side of the bed so that she is between g/f and me.

Thinking about it now, perhaps she is trying to turn my g/f lesbian because there are stories in that regard. But then I have it from good sources that that is not what's going on.

Anyway, its not that I am needy and mad at not getting attention, I am realizing a trend which is beginning and need to get rid of the bitch since the g/f seems alittle clueless(what can I say she's hot but kinda out of it just like I like em :-))
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