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Old 11-28-2005, 11:54 AM
Georgia Avenue Georgia Avenue is offline
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Default Best Female Rockers

Funny that anacardo posted his Rock Goddess thread right before I finished this poll. Puny minds think alike...

On the basis of Rockness rather than Hotness...

I included Kim Shattuck because she has the most amazing rock and roll shriek I’ve ever head, even tho she isn’t a solo artist. Same with Lisa Kekaula.

Liz Phair since she doesn’t really rock and her last album was produced by the horrid Matrix.

Fiona Apple for not rocking so much and being boney.

Lita Ford for hating Joan Jett

Cub for being a whole band (same with Go-Gos, Girlschool, Smears, Red Aunts, Chubbies, etc…)

Karen O for being bizarre, though hott.

That chick from Evanescence for blowing donkey dix from the back with mayonnaise.

Aretha, other soul singers for being in a different (probably better) category.

Grace Slick for public fattitude.

Others for not making enough albums—Mia, Slits, Detroit Cobras, April March, so on.

Additions? Pix? Silly buggers? Enjoi.
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