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Old 11-28-2005, 10:50 AM
PokerFink PokerFink is offline
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Default Re: Am I drawing dead?

Couple of thoughts here, and I'll let this run a bit longer before I post results.

1) My read isn't good enough to know whether he would only raise a $50 river bet all-in with a boat. I consider him to be a somewhat reasonable player, so presumably he would have to have a boat, but I can't be sure. The flop c/r and turn bet just tell me that he isn't screwing around with like bottom pair; he has something. But that something does not have to be a boat.

Edit: Also, yeah, I think he's calling a river value bet with hands I beat. I was thinking about this a lot last night, and the truth is that if he doesn't have a boat he doesn't really beat anything that I bet $50 with on the river, but at the same time he's getting better than 3-1 and will probably make a crying call.

2) I'm with soah on the flop play. I don't understand why everyone wants to fastplay this flop. My two opponents are a) an idiot that will pay me off if I hit and probably let me draw cheaply and b) a guy with a lot of chips that I might be able to stack if I hit. I'm confident enough in my postflop play that I don't need to just shove it in.
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