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Old 11-28-2005, 09:11 AM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: Most Effective Flop Betting Amount?

Fullpot bet have 3 advantages :
-it makes many opponents play honestly vs you cause they think that potbet must be something really serious

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If you're not varying the size of your flop bets, then your bet size shouldn't have any impact on what they read you for. But, I'm not really interested in arguing this point (although it does tie into the other points).

-Generally big bets allow you to bluff more because its more expensive to call. For example : You raise , Villain calls , flop : Q75 Villain have 76.. If you only bet here with say : AA/KK/JJ/1010/99/AQ/KQ and say AK/AJ Villain is in more difficult situation after big bet than he is after small one. He can often profitably call the latter but not the former(like in limit call is nobrainer). In other words bigbets allow you to bluff more often profitably

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Your bluffs may be successful more often, but they are more expensive when they fail. Additionally, you may fold out hands that you want to call. What happens when you have QQ on that flop and your opponent folds 76 because you bet too much? (Although upon second glance I see you left out QQ as one of the hands that bets the flop. This seems pretty bad for a number of reasons, not the least of which revolves around the upcoming third point.)

-It builds the pot. You can burn money on the flop by betting all the time but if you are better than your opponents you will force them to more costly/difficult decision on the turn and make up for it

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Building the pot isn't always a good thing. Like if you don't hold the best hand...
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