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Old 11-28-2005, 12:23 AM
yoshi_yoshi yoshi_yoshi is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Cambridge, MA
Posts: 54
Default Re: 10% refund question

And despite all your calculations the only thing I can agree with is that getting 10% of your losses back makes it less -EV but never +EV. After all if you end up losing money on your session you still lost. How can losing ever be +EV without a jackpot?


Hi, I just stumbled upon this thread....

Consider the casino giving you back 100% of your losses. You play 100 hands. That is clearly +EV right? Consider normally, where the casino gives you back 0% of your losses. You play 100 hands. That is clearly -EV. So there must be a magical percentage for our example, 100 hands, that is the crossover between + and - EV. I haven't thought about any of the math, but I don't know how you can be sure where 10% stands with regards to that magical #, especially since you don't even have the number of hands we are playing.
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