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Old 11-27-2005, 10:21 PM
orange orange is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 82
Default Re: Continuation Bets In SSNL

I oftentimes find it hard to keep my c-bets consistent (or randomized for that matter) when playing my hands. For instance, I usually bet 2/3-full pot with TPTK hands while making 1/2-2/3 pot bets when c-betting.

If my opponents are paying attention, they would notice this (thank goodness many do not). I think this is a leak, and maybe when I move up in limits (or play against players who pay more attention), I will need to adjust my c-betting frequencies.

I definitely think c-betting is opponent dependent. If I know I'm playing calling stations/passive players, I tend to not c-bet as often. Nor do I c-bet if I am playing against 2+ players (unless they are both rocks).

1/2 pot c-betting, IMO, is rather weak, and I will usually be called 80% of the time when doing these. The probobility of me being raised is higher as well, as people read me as weak.

Being a TAG player, flops like 863, etc. etc. make it harder to c-bet. Because I play with mostly the same players every time (I only play homegames, gah), my regulars know some of my hand ranges (regarding my 10 handed play, my SH play is much different IMO).

I think delayed bluffs works better against a player who will regularly c-bet (and can fold a hand for that matter). c/r-ing is not effective for me because I rarely c/r when I have a hand- I think c/c, leading turn or call, raise most turns is a more profitable move.

Just rambling, I think I got off topic. Sorry.
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