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Old 11-27-2005, 06:30 PM
bottomset bottomset is offline
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Default Re: Jeff Feagles to set consecutive games record Sunday

As far as I can tell, Jeff Feagles is one of five players currently in the NFL that appeared in 1991's Tecmo Super Bowl. Here's the list:

QB Vinny Testaverde
WR Ricky Proehl
CB Deion Sanders
K John Carney
P Jeff Feagles

In addition, Jeff George is still hanging around and would listen if the Vikings called.

There's no one left from the original Tecmo Bowl, as Jerry Rice was the Last Man Standing™ in that regard.

Onto Tecmo Super Bowl. Wow, is there a more overrated game? Sure, it's a fun little arcade game with surprising depth for an 8-bit system, but Jesus. Tecmo Super Bowl had some nice ideas like season mode and a pro bowl, but the game itself was a bit of a mess. The AI is worse than online players when it comes to cheesing. Seriously, people complain about the speed cheats on All-Madden? It's impossible to do anything in a TSB punt because everyone on the kicking team suddenly has 99 speed - nevermind trying to tackle Bo Jackson late in the season.

Who decided it'd be a good idea to only let you control one defensive player for a play? Who decided that a split second is the difference between a touchback and an onside kick, instead of the much more intuitive modern power meter? Who thought that 8 plays were enough? (And, in that vein, who thought it was a good idea to give every team about 6 formations for those 8 plays, telegraphing nearly everyone of them?) Who decided powering up Bo Jackson and Randall Cunningham to half-man, half-god, half-possible-centaur status made for great gaming? Everybody knows only Tedy Bruschi fits that description.

The game has so many problem that when I'm playing it, I start thinking about how fun it would be the play a REAL football game, like NCAA '06 or something. You know, a game where I can audible, use motion that works, run hundreds of plays, call my own defense, switch defenders, split a cover 2 defense with a perfect pass, perform jukes and spin moves (and NOT just run diagonally), and, if I'm so inclined, actually play more than one season.

All that said, it's still the best game of all time. What? I never said I didn't overrate it, too!

By the way, if you want to play TSB on your computer with updated rosters, go to
Tecmo Super Bowl Heaven and follow the instructions!

[/ QUOTE ]

another nice rant, and thanks for that link
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