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Old 11-27-2005, 05:30 PM
BobboFitos BobboFitos is offline
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Default Re: My PT stats.. especially folded to steals

my pt stats are 36/25.

It seems to me you're going to showdown too much, yet winning too often at showdown. Really weird contradiction there, but it must mean you're making too many loose calls on the flop and or turn, either weak draws or weak marginal hands, and then folding the river to a 2nd barrel (or 3rd) with that same marginal made hand you thought was good on the turn but changed your mind on the river.

yet your aggro factor on the turn and river are a little higher then mine, so perhaps later streets you're raising/folding a little more then optimal, whereas on the flop you're calling in some spots you should raise or fold. Hmm.
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