Thread: Poker Heresy
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Old 11-27-2005, 03:15 PM
Eder Eder is offline
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Posts: 278
Default Poker Heresy

In TOP David has a nice chapter on slowplay/deception. He illustrates that never mixing your play is a large tell for your opponents, but that slowplaying strong hands preflop can often result in huge pots where several of your opponents are making big mistakes.

It got me to thinking how to disguise your cards to play as deceptively as possible. I'm talking about the standard 1/2 2/4 6 max internet games here ...~45% on the flop ~12% pfr.

I am doing an experiment, so far ~5k hands with stats about 25/ 1 /1.7 ...if flop seems favourable I use the passive check call crap then come alive on the river.

Interesting is that what I am losing in fold equity/ ability to protect my hand/ and the inability to isolate seems to be offset to a great degree by winning many monster pots where opponents are making huge mistakes only to face a river check raise.

I havnt tried this at higher stakes, as after 15 minutes most players would figure out what I'm doing.

The recent DERB threads got me to consider different style options. Although this style is very limited in application it has resulted with decent results short term here, with maximum pressure on my post flop play. Still toying with this for awhile yet...but the fact that no one can put me on a hand has hand very interesting benefits.

Tell me I'm insane.
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