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Old 11-27-2005, 02:01 PM
nomadtla nomadtla is offline
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Default Re: check/call check/call check/raise the river

There are some players I never call. Some I allways call (if I see something like Spota posted happening regularly from them). Then there is the middle range, which I usually divide up as so bassed on my assesment of how they play.

I roll a 6 sided die and if the following # or #'s come up I call.
Straight Up (ABC poker): 1
Deceptive (top quality TAGS and Lags): 1, 2
FPSer's (not a deceptive player but one who seems to at least pay attention and take shots, usually in an obvious manner, a lot of TC's fall here): 1, 2, 3 (as these are the ones I want to get the lesson, and the fish at the table see them as the good ones cause they make fancy plays and are more likely to notice the guy who won't be bullied by them)

These dice rolls are arbitrary when I have no other clue and it's HU. I don't use them offten but I think it randomizes and keeps me away from calling to offten. Though as I said in my earlier post in this thread I offten want to call them down and to my better judgement abandon the dice.
But it's a good idea in theory and works well when I'm not tilting away chips.
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