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Old 11-27-2005, 11:30 AM
cognito20 cognito20 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 13
Default Re: MD/VA/DC Players warning!

From personal experience, some great ways to NOT get your home game jacked:

1) Only invite people you know or can vouch for personally, or that your brother or lifelong friends can vouch for personally.

2) Do NOT advertise game by any means other than word of mouth, and be -damn- careful who gets even the most cursory information (as much as possible anyway).

3) Lock all doors and windows. Make sure primary home security system (electronic one) is ON once the game starts.

4) Introduce all invited guests to secondary home security system (130-pound Doberman Trajan and 110-pound Doberman Hadrian). As extra touch, perhaps feed secondary home security system a little less for dinner that night to put them in semi-ornery mood.

5)Inform all guests to not be alarmed (the regular ones take it for granted anyway) that tertiary home security system (loaded Smith and Wesson 1911) will be within arm's reach of me at all times.

Overkill? Perhaps. But if some punk (or punks) tries to forcibly enter my home, where my wife and my little boy sleep, I will have NO compunction about having their throats torn out by the dogs, or putting a steel-jacketed, high-speed etiquette reminder or two directly between their eyes.

The word must have gotten out somehow. My game has never been bothered, once, in four years of playing weekly, for medium to high stakes.

My basic point is, if you're gonna play a home game, TAKE SECURITY PRECAUTIONS. There are too many desperate people out there looking for an easy buck and/or mark. Don't let yourself be that mark.

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