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Old 11-27-2005, 11:08 AM
SynSid SynSid is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 56
Default Re: Party Snowball @ RTR

When they first announced it there was going to be a minimum number of hands to qualify for the free-roll (750 I think from memory). That requirement subsequently got removed - I'd guess (and it is just a guess) because of a lack of individual trackers.

The problem with such a scheme is that the LESS hands per month you play the better value the scheme is - and if you play a lot of hands the scheme is of negligible value to you. I'd therefore expect that most "players" signing up to it will actually be gnome accounts hoping that some serious players signup for it so they get a juicy freeroll for free each month.

Any reward scheme which offers a flat pay-out (in this case an entry into a free-roll) regardless of number of hands played / amount of rake paid is never going to be attractive to anyone who plays a lot of hands.
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