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Old 11-27-2005, 02:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Default An open letter of concern to all the Mod\'s


I can only hope that the splitting of this forum is not permanent, and the final decision is one that has yet to be made regarding the future of this forum. I would not protest if it had not been pointed out by a moderator that he would be moving posts that he deemed unacceptable for the high limit forum.

As I am sure all of you are aware, the "medium stakes" forum has not garnered the interest to even justify having the forum in its short lived life. Perhaps that might change, but if it doesn't, I hate to think that the moderator of this forum will be moving posts by members into a forum that appears to be rarely visited and miniscule in size relative to the high stakes forum. I am specifically referring to a post by Gentlemen Gerry, where Barron sais that he would be moving "posts like these". I do not understand any reason to take a post that is not outrageously ABC and send it to a forum where it will be overlooked.

What is the purpose for this change? I hate to use this cliche, but I find it appropriate at this time, you shouldnt fix what isn't broken. I held that 2+2 had the best limit poker forums on the net, and there is no one who would challenge this.

The bulk of limit games on the internet are 5-10 through 30-60. I would consider all of these to be mid-limit games. However, who is to say that the stakes at whch you play define the level of knowledge you posess in this game?

I want to reitterate that my primary concern is a moderator who has openly said he will be moving posts that he feels are not apropriate for the high stakes forum into a forum that will not recieve 10% the traffic or attention that this one does.

If one were to define "high stakes", I am sure that it would vary from 15-30 to 100-200, and then some would say that "high stakes" begins at 100-200. I am of the opinion that the game is limit poker, and many of the situations that we face occur at all limits, and that we will all benefit more from eachother by not alienating samller stakes players, and by not intimidating players who do not play at high stakes from posting here.

The forum we had had flaws, surely. But that is what is to be expected when you have this kind of discussion where people are liberal in their comments and questions. I think that it will be in-effective to divide the forums, and I feel that it will hurt the long term purpose of all players here: to become better players.

I think that the forum we had was well ran and the most informative available, anywhere. I am all for improvements, but I think this attempt to improve has and will be counter prodcutive for 2+2 and all of its memebers.

I think we had it right the first time; when a stranger shows up asking if he should raise AK first in on the button, we politely direct him to a different forum.

I hope that the change is not permanent.

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