Thread: Stealing blinds
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Old 11-26-2005, 05:54 PM
jb9 jb9 is offline
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Posts: 136
Default Re: Stealing blinds

Push with hands that have some chance of winning unimproved v. the blinds or making top pair: any A or K, any 2 cards above 9, Q8s, J8s, any pair.

Do it when you think there is a reasonable chance they will fold and when the blinds are valuable to you. Relative stack sizes are always important (if the big blind can fold and not be desperate for chips, he is more likely to fold marginal hands).

If you've been pushing a lot and everyone has been folding, you might want to tighten up a bit (especially since by this point you should have enough chips to be more patient).

The smaller your stack, the more aggressive you need to be.

Understand that sometimes they will have you crushed and sometimes the cards will fall their way even when you start out ahead.
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