Thread: Stealing blinds
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Old 11-26-2005, 03:08 PM
Guthrie Guthrie is offline
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Posts: 471
Default Stealing blinds

The AleoMagus strategy post says, in late stages:

On button, aim to steal about 25% of blinds with hands like A7s-A9s, KTs-KJs.

I don't get hands like those anywhere near 25% of the time on the button, more like 5 or 10%, and when I do get one and attempt to steal, I get called or re-raised quite often.

Any stack bigger than mine, however, seems to attempt to steal my blinds about 75% of the time from both cutoff and the button in late stages, and I have a hard time calling with hands like 72, T5, Q4, so I just bleed chips until I'm forced to go all-in with the first decent hand I catch.

What am I missing?
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