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Old 11-26-2005, 02:16 PM
BassMasterK BassMasterK is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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Default Re: People who think online is rigged...

These guys are pulling in money hand over fist from the rakes. They don't care WHO pays the rake. Think about it this way, for them to 'juice' some cards to player A, it means players B,D,E,F,G,H,I,J and K are getting screwed by the 'juice'. Does it make sense to turn off 9 players (who if they aren't in the 'lucky club' will go broke and quit)to your site in order to make one a winner? No. I've heard people say 'well, they switch it around so that some people win sometimes to keep them around, and then lose later on'. wtf? That's called poker. Sometimes people win, sometimes they lose. No big conspiracy here.

If even ONE of the big guys got caught, the financial impact for them would be catastrophic. Seeing as how they are pulling in huge money currently, there would be NO reason to risk playing some 'bait and switch' card game and EVERY reason to deal fair games.

Yes wierd stuff happens. Once at a B&M I saw a guy in seat 10 lose a big hand with QQ against a straight. Next hand he pulls in a small win with QQ again. We comment on the slim chances of hitting QQ's twice in a row and he comments he isn't going to play QQ's for the rest of the day. Next hand, you guessed it. He flips over QQ and lost a huge pot to a flush on the river. QQ's three times in a row. Even the dealer couldn't believe it. The game wasn't fixed, sometimes statistically small things happen. Sometimes you are there to witness them. Sometimes your brain then thinks it is more common than it is. Sometimes your brain is wrong.
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