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Old 11-26-2005, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Invited to Test new PP Beta Software

I just finished another nine table session. More thoughts:

1. I don't understand tiling. I know how it works, and I tried to use it but it isn't feasable as far as I'm concerned. Example: You have nine tables going (or however many), and the first table to act on pops up. You go to click fold and another table pops up and you click raise instead. This has happened twice and you must be extremely careful. Now let's say it's your turn on one table and you're moving the slider over to make a bet, you get it where you want it and make the bet. Immediately another table pops up, and in the split second it takes you to size up the situation yet another table pops up. If the tiling worked on the same order as MTH only better than MTH (MTH has some problems) then this would be a viable feature. Otherwise, I don't know what good it is. Maybe someone can explain how they use tiling.

2. So when tiling didn't work I went back to the other option. I was hoping tiling would work well because it is so much nicer to have the large tables that are easier to see.

3. When nine tables are on the screen the slider is more difficult to use. Let's say you want to bet $2, so you slide it and it goes to $4. Trying to slide it back to where you want it is a real pain. I ended up just leaving it where it was on many occasions out of frustration.

4. I don't care for the mini-view some sites have. I like seeing the whole table no matter how small. To that end having the tables automatically size no matter how many games you have going (up to nine, because with 10 I got over lap on my 21.3 inch screen) would be a very nice feature. If I decide to go from nine tables to six, instead of having two rows of three with all of that wasted space on the bottom--the software could resize those six tables to take up the whole screen. (I don't care for the way it resizes some games larger than others--I would prefer all of the games to be the same size.)

5. I found one other glitch annoying. I had eight games going, and I brought up a ninth. The ninth game is oversized and doesn't fit into the grid. You have to click on the "grid" button or the right hand button to make it size. However, when you do that it doesn't go into the available slot, but instead it goes wherever it wants to go, and now I have lost all semblance of order I once hand. I might have had a pretty good idea where my games were, but once I insert this new game I have to recoinnoiter. Just make it possible to put the new game into the empty slot. Or, if you're playing eight games and they have made it so the eight games resize to fit the entire screen, then put the new game in the same place every time. Either put it in the top right corner, or bottom right corner, etc. This way you will at least know where it's going and where all of the other games have shifted to.

6. All of the above is a wish list, and I'm sure there's more to come. But as long as they are asking I'll tell em. But how much can they really do, and how sophisticated are they willing to get. Will they just correct minor bugs like crashes and such or are they really willing to get their hands dirty and make this thing the be all end all of online poker. They'd win over a lot of people if it's the latter.

While you're at it Party would you pretty please fix your waiting lists:

1. It takes forever and a day to see who is on the waiting list. Take a look at Poker Stars to see how it is done right.

2. You can put yourself on the list for ten tables, get a seat in one of the games, and find yourself taken off of the other nine games you took the trouble to sign up for.

3. Then there is the age old glitch of your game coming up but the seat says reserved. We know how to get around that, but coudln't it be fixed?

4. More to come I'm sure.
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