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Old 11-26-2005, 11:29 AM
Cancuk Cancuk is offline
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Default Re: My biggest leak. Not folding


If we get capped or get bet on the turn (stop'n'go) then we can let go since I doubt we are ahead or have 5 outs here. Our J is dominated our Q outs are tainted (we might be against overpair / 2 pair etc).

[/ QUOTE ]

I think theres a pretty good chance our five outs are good here if he caps. AA, KK, QQ, AJ are the hands that would make sense for a cap. QQ we have two outs and AJ we have three outs. Theres 6 combinations of AA, 6 combinations of KK, 3 combinations of QQ, and 8 combinations of AJ. So, mathematically speaking, theres a better chance of him having AA or KK (12) where we have 5 outs than QQ or AJ (11) where we have 3 or 2 outs. Theres also a better chance of him raising AA, KK, or QQ from the SB than AJo and theres no legit hands that he would raise from the BB in a multiway pot that would creat two pair.

I didn't add JJ as a hand because I think he would wait until the turn to raise to try and get a bet from the button, because he knows that the CO is coming along no matter what. maybe i'm giving him too much credit?

If i made mistakes, i'm's early..i haven't slept yet, I think i may be a degenerate.
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