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Old 11-25-2005, 07:40 PM
radek2166 radek2166 is offline
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Default Re: What\'s up with the Asian players?

I hate to make a racial stereotypical post, and if you are of Asian decent, please do not take offense to this post, as I love people of all races and am not biggoted at all.

That being said, I would like to say, what is up with these Asian players? Does the auro from the planet Jupiter somehow reach the Asian continent more so than the rest of the world? I mean, most asian players have so much gamble in them, where does it come from? Especially the Vietnamese. You are guys are pure insane. And I mean that in the very best way.

And why do you love small junkie hands so much? Do you have a natural rebellion against tradition? You raise and reraise with these hands, and then when you get lucky and hit you rejoice in laughter, yourself having made such a non-traditional play pre-flop, yet still winning a monster pot? Or maybe you bluffed a rock to lay down a very good hand, fearing you, being so wild and lucky, could have anything, and the board came four card straight.

And then you just constantly laughed as you raised, bluffed, and got there. To you it seems the concept of "gambling strategy" is a joke, since the luck of the cards will often render it useless. You often laugh when a good player plays a hand solidly and gets beaten by garbage, after all it is gambling right?

What about the likes of hands like 67o and 78o is so attractive to you? Is it because they span the middle of the deck and this inherent symmetry somehow resonates with your spiritual believes in the Ying and Yang?

My biggest entertainment is seeing an Asian player play a "legitimate hand" like a set or a big pair. They clam up something awful, like they are now shooting with their enemie's weaponry, and are leary that it may go off and bite them in the foot. Like a fish out of water, so is an Asian with a "legitimate hand".

All this being said, I still think Asians are some of the best if not the best players of the game, i.e. Scotty Nguyen. Their food kicks ass, too. Obviously their playing style is well suited to No Limit. Perhaps their are natural born gamblers, or maybe the luck of the planets just shines too brightly over their native land.

Whatever it is, Asians just have pure gambling mojo, and playing with them at my table is like getting on a scary roller coaster- I just hope I get off the ride still alive, and not over by the garbage barrel, puking my guts out.

Once again, no racial offense meant at all.

best of luck, especially if you play with Asians, as they seem to have all of it.

[/ QUOTE ]

That was funny and a good post I am just going to sit here and see how long til this hread is locked or deleted.

IMHO good post