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Old 11-25-2005, 06:53 PM
Darryl_P Darryl_P is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 158
Default Re: The human race as a whole seem to be becoming more civilised....

Yes I think there is a correlation but I think the main driving force is the average standard of living which is at all-time highs in the west. If people have more money, they're more comfy and less aggressive. They're also more obese which (I believe) has been scientifically shown to be inversely correlated with aggression.

Trouble is, though, (and I'm generally considered nuts for this belief) that it's all an illusion because it's based on unbacked paper currency and enormous debt. The world economy is a giant pyramid scheme getting precariously close to its breaking point. When it collapses, we'll yet again experience all the nasty stuff from days of old, but with our fancier toys it'll probably be uglier than ever.

For some supporting material on my economic theory I recommend doing a search on "Ferdinand Lips". He's an expert on gold and financial markets and has some interesting insights on the future of the world economy.
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