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Old 11-25-2005, 06:13 PM
calmasahinducow calmasahinducow is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Buffalo.
Posts: 56
Default Re: Experiences with Fasting

I wrestled in high school and fasted pretty much from every day from Monday to Friday night during season and also didn't drink Thursday or Friday. Fasting slows the metabolism down to a crawl. I pretty much hated my life because I couldn't eat and could barely drink because I had to lose 15 lbs. a week. In one case, I lost 18 lbs. in a day but this was mostly due to diarhettics, plastic suits, and a sauna. There's probably some permanent damage done to my digestive system or other internal organs because of what I did; I don't think it was worth it looking back on it. There's nothing enlightening or cleansing about it. It just sucks. If anyone has any other questions, I'll answer them.
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