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Old 11-25-2005, 04:57 PM
FoxwoodsFiend FoxwoodsFiend is offline
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Default Re: Ayn Rand\'s Atlas Shrugged as a Movie

Am I the only one on here that doesn't like Ayn Rand? I was a philosophy major and I feel there is a reason she was barely discussed. And I know that Philosophy is general "liberal", but we discussed other uber-capitalists like Friedman.


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I'm not a fan of hers either, but to be fair I've only read about her philosophy and not the writings themselves.

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The writing itself is terrible. I have simply never understood the fascination that faux intellectuals have with Ayn Rand. There's simply nothing interesting about her philosophy.

I guess I should add that I'm generally skeptical of any ethical writing and think it's all junk, but when the writing in question is defending a supposedly shocking ethical system that is simply rehashing traditional egoism and the supposedly philosophical writing takes place in novel form, I think it's particularly bad.
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