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Old 11-25-2005, 04:10 PM
Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 95
Default Re: Stopping when you know you are on tilt

I think you have answered your own question Grasshopper.
I am good about not playing again for a while when I've just ended a tilty session. I'll wait for my mind to clear. My problem is actually ENDING that session! Another bad thing about this is when I let myself get more tilted it takes longer for my mind to clear after the session is over.

So my question basically is: When I realize that I am starting to can I force myself to stop playing?

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If you continue to play when begining to tilt then the recovery time will be longer and that is less time that you will have to play your best poker then it is an easy decision that you are making hard. Just quit and come back when you can play. Admitting defeat durring a session is not failure, it is good poker. Poker is not a series of games, it is a total of all games you play. Basketball players can not play when they feel great all the time, they have to play scheduled games for the length of time required. It doesn't matter if they found thier wife in bed with thier girlfriend that afternoon, or they have a cold, or the morgage is due ---- they have to play. Poker players never have to play (except in trnys etc.) when they are not on thier game. Log off and comeback when you want to play good poker.

By the way this post is as much for me as anything. I have played for two months with this in mind and only stayed in one game when I should have gotten out. My account balance shows the difference too.

The next time this begins to happen I am going to change tables rather than quit totaly. I think that this last time I made it "personal" in this game and I could have still played better at another table.
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