Thread: Am I a Donkey?
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Old 11-25-2005, 03:52 PM
SirFWALGMan SirFWALGMan is offline
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Default Re: Am I a Donkey?

Hey thanks for the link to Card Players O8 odds calculator. That is a nifty tool. Here is my thinking on the hand after running it through the calculator:

Amazing. Check this stat out. I went to Make sure you check the O8 button.


Pre-flop equity:

Him: 63% on the high, 0% on the low.
Me: 37% on the high, 58% on the low.


Him: 36%
Me: 37%

So even pre-flop, with out anything, I am favored to win this pot against the guy. This totally blows my mind. I would never have guessed pocket pairs were so bad when they have nothing backing them up.

Now lets go to the interesting part. Where I put all my money in. The flop.

Him: 67% on the High, 0% on the low.
Me: 33% on the High, 74% on the low.


Him: 25%
Me: 33%

I am dominating him when ALL the money goes in. It again blows my mind. Ok, I am not soooooooo far ahead that I could not lose it all but it seems to be not a donkey move by far.

Now the next card is a ten, but I have already committed myself. I am now a 23% to 50% dog. If I had just called the right move might be folding here. However since I already pushed this card is a moot point.

Then we hit the BINGO card, the river is my lovely 4! WOO HOO! Me: 100%. Thank you. So I guess the lesson to me on this is A) Learn the odds on Omaha-8 a little more, and B) NEVER play a hand that does not have a decent chance to scoop. The fact that his hand had no way to win except the high and hitting the K on the flop makes it a bad hand for him to push in on even though he is ahead on the flop.
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