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Old 11-25-2005, 03:00 PM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: 2 Party hands, Kukavica, Fucngr8t

hand 1: pf oop vs. kuk w/ 54o is a fold. if you've been folding your sb too much lately and he thinks you are playing tightly (which doesn't seem to be the case here) you can raise b/c his requirements vs. you and his perception of your tighter image would get him to fold more hand and you'd know a bit more where you were. even then, 54o isn't really the ideal hand to do that with.

id check call the diamond turn there and lead the river calling if raised.

Hand 2: there are very very few people against whom i think KJo is a 3bet from the bb given the position of the raiser...fucngr8t is one of them imo. this guy opens w/ some very shocking hands. further, the bets on flop, turn, and river are decreasing on the margin in value imo. that being said, i still like it b/c he can certainly call w/ a worse K or Q thinking you are moving him off a hand better than JJ/TT/99/88. but given calls on all streets the probability you lose to a naked ace are way bigger but not enough to warrant not betting the river...which is why the value of the bet decreases w/ each bet you put out there given the previous action.

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