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Old 11-25-2005, 01:11 PM
climber climber is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: I open 72o UTG get 3bet by tiltboy and call down my bottom pair.


PF raise , getting 3-bet and seeing the SB call 2.5 cold is obviously very discouraging giving my modest holding. However, the flop texture was pretty decent for me...if I was HU via tiltboy alone. Having just seen the SB post UTG+1 4 hands previously I didn't expect him to be super solid but saw I had hit a pair and decided my best course of action was to bet and let tiltboy face the SB with two bets and see if I had a shot at anything.

The SB calls two more on the flop getting 6:1 for his money and now I feel I'm really screwed.

Turn comes a king and I give up. I def can't overcall but as soon as the SB folds I start getting flashbacks of the time this guy bluff raised me with T4o UI on the river and decided it was possible he was bluffing. On the other hand a lot of his 3-betting hands either contain a K or already have me beat. I'm getting 8.5:1 on the turn call itself but I know I will have to call a river bet as well. So 5.75:1 if I call both turn and river bets. If I had to guess (just my gut talking here) I'd guess I'm good maybe 30% of the time here.

I am really curious as to how I am supposed to analyze this kind of scenario and make the right decision postflop.

Here's what I know...

On the turn:
I felt the king was a horrible card for me but I also didnt feel his bet necessarily meant much. The pot is giving me 8.5:1. Drawing to my 5 outs I would need 9.4:1. Given there is a chance I am still ahead this call seems OK to me. Is this right or wrong?

I think my 5 outs are clean.

Not knowing what he has, but knowing how poorly i feel about my own hand I wouldn't like to call a river bet if a Q or A fell on the river. So do I call those 8 outs for him?

Its when I put both the turn and river into the analysis and start talking about his outs vs. my outs that I get confused.

Any pointers?

Thx in advance.
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