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Old 11-25-2005, 09:52 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: Football commentary pet peeve: \"Game-changing\" holding play

I hate to disagree with anyone who says announcers are idiots...

...but more often than not, the hold in question is so far away from the play, that it was not the reason the play went for big yardage.

But when the hold was primarily responsible for springing the play, then I agree, the announcers should STFU.

Speaking of announcers, here's a snippet from the new Sports Guy column:

Speaking of Theismann, here's an e-mail from Brendan in Indy: "With just around 1:00 left in the 3rd Quarter and the Texans facing a 4th and 4 from the 4 yard line. Down 31-14, the Texans lined up like they were going to go for it. At which point Joe Theismann says 'the Texans are going to go for it, and I love that call' following by the Texans calling a timeout and the game going to a commercial break. When the game returns, the Texans are kicking the field goal and the announcers are arguing about the decision to kick the field goal, with Theismann arguing FOR the field goal. I thought that maybe I had misheard who had said they loved the call to go for it, so with the beauty of TiVo I was able to go back and watch it again, and sure enough it was the great Joe Theismann! He really is creating arguments with himself!"
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