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Old 11-24-2005, 04:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What to do with a Child who plays SNG\'s?

Seriously if you can't accept the fact that a kid enjoys the game AND is good at it find a new line of work or a new hobby. ... Society doesnt accept what we do. And if you can't share your hobbies or explain your job to your kid you shouldn't accept it either.

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If I was a bartender, I still wouldn't want my underage child serving liquor in a bar. Even if he could mix a good drink at home. Yet, I wouldn't mind telling my kid about work or explaining to him what I do. (I might not tell him everything that goes on in a bar, but that's no different from any other walk of life.)

If I were an attorney, I would not want my 14 year-old kid going to law school. I would, however, encourage activities that might lay a good foundation for a career in law: debate, logic, public speaking, research, writing, student government, etc. Again, I would be happy to explain to my child what I do for a living and might share some work experiences. But, I wouldn't share everything even if confidentiality wasn't a factor.

Seriously: if OP can't interest his son in other games which involve math and probability, but don't involve the exchange of cash, there is a problem. (This is not to say I would not let my son play any poker, but I'd probably do it with the family and friends at the kitchen table with pennies (or chips) or in a freeroll section online.)
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