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Old 11-24-2005, 11:31 AM
Bosox Bosox is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: gone fishing.
Posts: 66
Default Re: Extracting the minimum with Nut Flush

I assume you're talking from the A6 perspective despite the converter saying the SB was "poster". I hope this raise preflop isn't standard procedure. So you've flopped the nut. Calm down, there's no reason to raise this flop. This is one of those times when giving a cheap turn card to OOP opponent is fine. You want him to improve his hand and the only card that could scare him away for good is a diamond, which at this point is highly unlikely. Make him pay for his hand on the turn when a black card falls and he gets more secure in his hand which holds no diamonds. That way it's also more difficult for him to suspect you flopped the nuts. If he's got a set or smallflush (which he obviously didn't), you'll get paid just as much on the turn as the flop but many many more hands like toppair or twopair will be much more willing to throw money at you when a secure-feeling turncard comes up on that scary board.

Also, there is no such word as "unaccurate"

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