Thread: Craps
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:51 AM
Jimbo Jimbo is offline
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Default Re: Does it require faith?

I'll address several of the previous postes' points here. First the machine, it would be for a control test to prove that the dice could be thrown in the exact same manner every single time without the introduction of human error, not used to haul into a casino in an attempt to cheat. Yes men have built this simple device and no it cannot controll the dice any better than a random expectation would predict. It is a simple matter to construct this device, no more complex than the golf ball testing machine used by the PGA used to test golf ball distance.

Next dice shooters will have a selective memory just like poor poker players. They will recall the times they tried to roll a ten and were successful and forget the times they sevened out. Just like a poker player who only remembers when his aces got cracked not the 80% of the time they won heads up.

To continue, physics as determined by our universe added to the capacity of a human to throw a perfectly repetitive set of dice which will encounter random angles, obstructions and air flow simply prove that controlled dice throwing is a scam and not possible.

Finally to the poster that thinks it is remarkable how a session form day one to day two to day three can show improvement. This only proves that you do not understand how random throwing dice can be. If you throw the dice one million times using proper casino rules, by both dice hitting the back wall, in a typical casino environment your results will certainly be within two standard deviations of what statisitics would predict your results to be. This would be a statistically insignificant difference proving that no matter how hard you might either try or want to believe you might as well be flipping coins and paying the house a 1% vig for the pleasure.

Throw the dice in a casino one million times, record every roll, have three unbiased witnesses and get back to me with your results.

To summarize if you (or anyone) could effect the dice to any measurable manner your fat little ass would be out on the craps tables right now making a fortune not trying to prove it by use of persuasive techniques and cute little anecdotes on an online forum.

As I have said before people who believe in controlled dice throwing are either gullible noobs or trying to sell you their surefire get rich quick scheme. One group is pretty smart the other are pretty much fools.

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