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Old 11-24-2005, 06:47 AM
jomatty jomatty is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 68
Default Re: playing full table shortstacked VPIP 12%

i have been using this strategy with fairly good results too but like you i have a very small sample size. i feel like i play fairly tight but im not playing nearly that tight. i posted some short stack questions and got some feedback so you might try to track that down.
12% seems awfully tight to me. if the games are very agg. as well as loose this may be the lowest variance way to profit but its hard for me to imagine that your not giving up a little. like you said, so many of the hands run so close together preflop that i find my main advantage in these games is getting all in on the flop with a big equity advantage in the hand. sometimes i can get my 25 bb or so in while the big stacks are just doing their regular continuation bets with another one calling to see if he freezes on the turn and what not but commiting themselves to my raise (or if they fold to it thats great too).
are you playing hands like A6s78o A6s65or A7s9To. not saying its right but i def, play these sorts of hands and am just curious. they may not play well in very agg games but i still think they are profitable even short stacked (although thats just my opinion, and PLO is not a game im that knowledgeable about)
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