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Old 11-24-2005, 03:09 AM
PhattyLiver PhattyLiver is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 6
Default Party Cash Outs Taking Longer?

Is anyone else noticing this or is it just me? I have gotten so use to their quick cash in & outs in the past. I'm not used to waiting 2 days for a cash out.

19th Deposited $500 thru iGM-Pay, Cleared bonus, Cashed out on the 21st. Now it is the 24th & still no approval on the cash out & the money left my account on the 22nd.

Now of coarse they say it takes 5-6 business days (Isn't everyday a business day for them by the way) for the funds to settle & I have the option to reverse my cash out.

If you are wondering: I do play there regularly & yes I keep money in that account & yes I will continue to play there & no, I don't think they stole my money & no, I haven't e-mailed them, & yes, I know (hope) I will get my money eventually.

OK, I am now going to crawl back into my hole, Thank for your time.
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