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Old 11-24-2005, 01:40 AM
DeezNuts DeezNuts is offline
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Default Re: Buy computer or build own?

This REALLY doesn't sound like a recommendation at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I know. I'm gonna go over to my friend's place to watch him try to get it running right now. It's been very educational just to watch. The problem isn't with any of the hardware, it's my friend trying to make the 2 Raptor HDs(10k rpm) run as one single HD so it runs much faster. He likes doing it, and I still have my old computer, so I really don't mind the time it's taking and I'm learning a valuable skill. I can pretty much put together my own computer now.

So my recommendation is to have your friend(if he is knowedgeable) put it together and for you to watch him do it and ask a lot of questions. Other than that, just get a prepackaged Dell(base-model), ask your friend what specs you should be looking for, and buy all the peripherals on your own. Most tech-savvy people have copies of all the software you need.

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