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Old 11-23-2005, 03:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: OESFD and LOTS of action

I understand your point. My thinking is that the guy who shoves all in here has the nut diamonds a decent amount of the time when he makes this move. My line of thinking is that if you assume that someone else has a diamond draw, then you are drawing to seven outs to make your flush, two of which make you a straight flush. Further, if the all-in man did make a move here with the nut diamond draw, you're effectively drawing at 5 remaining diamonds, and assuming all of your straight flush diamonds are live, 2 out of 5 remaining diamonds would make you the pure nuts. I know there are flaws in this logic, but I'm not to the point where I can give this arguement without flaws in my logic. Also, with an OESFD, you have so much equity in most spots that you dont want to run anyone out.

I generally view these rare flops to suited connectors as money in the bank, as there is no hand other than a set that you are a reasonable underdog to. Therefore, I prefer to play them with as many opponents as I can, maximizing the value of my draw.

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