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Old 11-23-2005, 02:57 PM
Mempho Mempho is offline
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Default Re: definitely a competition


Another one that is more dangerous is playing chicken with someone across the intersection running a left turn red light. You know he's not stopping, so you hit the gas as soon as yours turns green and start honking. I used to do this until one runner was so late coming through he almost hit me. Same with tapping the brakes against a tailgater.

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I do this all the time. If someone's running a light when its my turn to go, I make sure that he uses the bathroom on himself or spills his coffee. I want him to be scared. I just slam on the accelerator when it turns green. And, yes, I've come close to being hit by a real late straggler before.

When you say someone "gives a tell" that he's gonna cut you off, do you mean he signals, or he starts to speed up and drift into your lane?

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Yes, I generally encourage signlers to come over...especially if they're trapped behind a slow car. The tell I'm talking about is the subtle "drift." Also, cars that are tailgating like mad suddenly "back off" and position themselves to get into a gap. Mirror checking (if you can see inside the car) is often a tell as well. If you see someone checking the driver's side and rear-view mirror, they're often coming to the left lane. Likewise, they often check the oppositte mirror before coming to the right lane.

Edit: This just happened to be post #400.
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